Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Day 4

We woke up at 5 am and hopped on the 5:45 train to Ollentayambo this morning. From there we had a long breakfast during which we planned the rest of hte trip, which was nice. We'll be doing some pretty amazing things. We saw the pre-Incan and Incan ruins in Ollentaytambo, and paid for a guide for the first time, which turned otu to be a brilliant decision (by me).

After the ruins,w e hopped in cab, the only way ot get to our destination of Moray. We visited the Incan ruins there. Moray is a semi-natural half-crater that was used for agricluture. For various environmental reasons, its 12ish levels fo terraces all had different 'micro-climates', which was pretty cool to see, mostly because the INcas were pretty damn smart.

From Moray we headed back to Cuzco, where we walked for approximately 1 hour to the bus station. We got night bus tickets to arequipa for tonight, and it looks like from there I won't have nearly such high tech access as here. We will see some pretty amazing things though. It is now time for lunch since Slavemaster Kennedy didn't have time to eat earlier. Hasta luego or never.

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