Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Day 10: Crossing back

Last night was horrible. It was freezing, and I had to put on my wool hat to survive. Still, we got a lt of sleep because of our lazy wake up time: 8am. We tried to call to get tickets to Puno for that afternoon, but no luck. We hiked al the way around our end of the island, which was pretty sweet. We saw some more Incan ruins from afar but decided that the water was more important. We bought more unmentionable stuff. Berry was pretty sick now. We ran down the mountain to catch the boat, and then, after boarding, that the South America is between 15 and 45 minutes ahead of itself, and the 10:30am departure time meant 11:15am local. This time we were on the top of the boat, although not in the fenced deck provided, whihc had no room.

Back in Copacabana, we called Berry´s mom for medical reasons, and then mine. Berry likes to maintain a yearly call to my mom re her health, usually during the summer, although I thought this was an extreme way to necessitate it. After the clal, we grabbed tickets for the 1:30pm to Puno, and then ate a quick meal. They probably overcharged us, and so e underpaid. I talked the owner, and gave him all the money I had. We went to the bathroom and headed to the bus.

Immigration was fine on both sides. We went a long way, and Berry managed to sleep for most it, although I did not. We passed a massive fire in the distance, and everyoen stared although noone knew what it was.

Then a very odd thing happened. We were stopped passing through Customs (about 1.5 hours after the border). Three officers boarded and went straight ot the bck. they pulled off a chinese looking guy, and then 5 minutes later, came back on, and pulled off the other two chinese looking passengers. then they pulled off an old german couple. the owner of the bus, who was on board, went at it a little with them, and they yelled back some. After 25 minutes, everyone from the bus was returned and we were o our way again. We asked the owner what had happened and he said they had gotten some sketchy info that some chinese peope were doing something bad, and had pulled us over to check. He said they do it to be bothersome, and that they had no right etc. etc. which was inclined to believe. The chino, who was actually of Japanese decent but a citizen of Peru, and who therefor had a passport from Peru, gave the the most trouble apparently, because they thought he had forged the passport; ohw could anyone who looked chinese e peruvian? Good question.

We arrived, got in a taxi, and went to the hotel Berry had read in the book. We got a nice room, put our electronics in to charge (which we have to do every time there is an outlet, so far twice). We went to get cash, hopefully for the last time, did a little moneya nd time planning, and now, here I am.


Alan S said...

The reaction of the border police to a Chinese-looking Peruvian is most surprising, considering that Alberto Fujimori was President of Peru from 1990 to 2000. he was born in Peru to Japaneese parents.
the wikipedia entry is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fujimori.

Alan S said...

The reaction of the border police to a Chinese-looking Peruvian is most surprising, considering that Alberto Fujimori was President of Peru from 1990 to 2000. he was born in peru to Japanesse parents.
the wikipedia entry is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fujimori.

Sam S said...

Yeah dad accept where is he now? I heard in exile in Japan

Alan S said...


he is in chile, awaiting word on wether he will be extradicted back to Peru.